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Table 2 Mean (standard deviation) for the scores of the different validated patient reported outcomes assessed in the severity categories classified by using the DECA criteria

From: Validation of the DECA criteria for allergic conjunctivitis severity and control


DECA criteria





Ocular symptoms (0–3), mean (SD)


0.77 (0.83)

1.61 (0.84)

1.89 (1.05)

< 0.0001


0.47 (0.78)

1.25 (0.89)

1.78 (1.09)

< 0.0001


0.43 (0.68)

1.28 (1.01)

1.78 (0.83)

< 0.0001

rTOSS score (0–9), mean (SD)

1.66 (1.98)

4.17 (2.28)

5.44 (2.65)

< 0.0001

Ocular symptoms by VAS (0–10 cm), mean (SD)


1.70 (2.17)

4.48 (2.94)

5.30 (2.86)

< 0.0001


1.45 (2.30)

3.80 (2.95)

4.79 (3.20)

< 0.0001


1.35 (2.41)

3.94 (3.05)

4.56 (3.03)

< 0.0001

VAS global score

1.82 (2.21)

4.87 (2.88)

6.14 (3.01)

< 0.0001

Efron hyperemia scale (0–4), mean (SD)

0.10 (0.31)

0.93 (0.81)

1.20 (1.14)

< 0.0001

ESPRINT-15 (0–6), mean (SD)

 Question 4*

1.39 (1.51)

3.32 (1.71)

4.10 (1.37)

< 0.0001

  1. DECA: Spanish document on allergic conjunctivitis; ESPRINT-15: Spanish allergic rhinitis quality of life questionnaire; rTOSS: reflective total ocular symptom score; VAS: visual analogue scale; SD: standard deviation
  2. *ESPRINT-15 Question 4: “In the past 2 weeks, how much have you been bothered by itchy eyes or having to rub your eyes?”