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Table 4 Demographic and clinical features of patients with positive first COX-2 inhibitor challenge

From: Tolerance to alternative cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors in nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug hypersensitive patients


Patients (n = 19)

Sex (male/female) n (%)

4/15 (21/79%)

Age (years) (mean ± SD)

53.2 ± 10.9

Reaction to 1 NSAID n (%)

12 (63%)

Reaction to various NSAIDs n (%)

7 (37%)

Reaction to paracetamol1

4 (21%)

Co-morbid disorders n (%)


- Chronic spontaneous urticaria

3 (16%)

- Asthma

4 (21%)

Diagnosed non-selective NSAID hypersensitivity n (%)


- Patient history; repeated reaction to the same culprit drug

11 (58%)

- Patient history; no/unknown repeated reaction to the same culprit drug

3 (15%)

- Oral challenge with the culprit drug

5 (26%)

  1. 1By patient history.