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Table 2 Consultation

From: Current transition management of adolescents and young adults with allergy and asthma: a European survey

Practice parameters (n = 1179)

Number (%) respondents

HCPs category based on patient’s agea


449 (38.1)


88 (7.5)

 All ages groups

642 (54.5)

Time for follow-up consultation with AYA, minutes

 Up to 10

135 (11.5)

 Up to 20

460 (39.0)

 Up to 30

395 (33.5)

 Up to 45

143 (12.1)

 > 45

46 (3.9)

Direct access to healthcare professionalsb,c

 Allergy/asthma nurse

597 (50.6)


379 (32.1)

 Paediatric allergist

537 (45.5)

 Adult allergist

437 (37.1)


293 (24.9)

 Respiratory physiotherapist

279 (23.7)

 Social worker

209 (17.7)


426 (36.1)


543 (46.1)


502 (42.6)


329 (27.9)

 Referral only

42 (3.6)


4 (0.3)

Is care for AYA in your service organised differently than services to care for other age groups?

 No, specific resources

906 (76.8)

 Yes, for all AYA

207 (17.6)

 Yes, for selected patients onlye

66 (5.6)

Percentage of AYA transferred to adult services rather than being discharged to GP or no care:


117 (9.9)


123 (10.4)


89 (7.5)


108 (9.2)


99 (8.4)

 Don’t know

167 (14.2)

 No transfer of AYA into adult services

198 (16.8)

 We see all ages

278 (23.6)

Do you know how many of your transfer patients regularly attend the adult clinic after referral:


361 (30.6)

 Yes, please specify the percentagef

111 (9.4)

 NA, no transfer of patients into adult services

405 (34.4)

 NA, we see all ages

302 (25.6)

Evaluation tools on whether AYA is ready to be sent to adult serviceb

 No evaluation tool, AYA transferred at a specific age

489 (41.5)

 Patient consent

171 (14.5)

 Parental consent

122 (10.3)

 Checklist of questions/knowledge

50 (4.2)

 Completion of adolescent transition tool

48 (4.1)

 We see all ages

364 (30.9)

 My clinic does not transfer AYA to adult services

157 (13.3)

Feedback system between paediatric and local adult serviceb

 No system of feedback in place

569 (48.3)

 The consultation letter from the first visit to adult clinic is sent back to referring paediatrician

150 (12.7)

 Regular meetings to discuss patients

101 (8.6)

 Not applicable, we see all ages

405 (34.4)

  1. AYA adolescent and young adult, GP general practitioner, HCP healthcare professional, NA not applicable
  2. aPaediatric HCP looking after 0–18 years old patients; adult HCP looking after ≥ 18 years old patients
  3. bParticipants were allowed to select more than 1 answer
  4. cDirect access- without the referral from HCP
  5. dOther: play therapist, family doctor trained in allergy, health visitor, immunologist
  6. eData is shown only for 31 (2.8%) responses: adherence problems (n = 1); educational sessions for asthma or peanut allergic patients (n = 1); AYA asthma clinic (n = 16); severe or multiple allergies (n = 10); referred to youth service (n = 1); need transition to adult allergy service and not to GP (n = 3); some have more time (n = 1); psychiatric problems (n = 2); school problems (n = 1); joint consultation with paediatric and adult allergist (n = 1); deprived backgrounds (n = 1)
  7. fData is only provided for 58 responses (%): median (LQ,UQ): 62.5 (37.5, 80); minimum 1; maximum 95