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Table 1 Summary of saliva and faecal samples of subjects with CMA (ITT) and the healthy reference group (age-matched to week 8)

From: A specific synbiotic-containing amino acid-based formula restores gut microbiota in non-IgE mediated cow’s milk allergic infants: a randomized controlled trial


Saliva samples

Faecal samples

Grand total

Test (N = 35)

Control (N = 36)

Test (N = 35)

Control (N = 36)

Healthy subjects (N = 51)

Week 0

 n subjects

35 (100%)

36 (100%)

29 (83%)

33 (92%)


 Mean (SD)

30,258 (14,753)

28,802 (6845)

47,476 (14,165)

47,269 (22,263)


Week 8

 n subjects

24 (69%)

30 (83%)

24 (69%)

31 (86%)

48 (94%)


 Mean (SD)

27,387 (6555)

29,724 (15,773)

47,037 (13,765)

47,909 (16,532)

51,871 (19,134)


Week 12

 n subjects


18 (51%)

26 (72%)


 Mean (SD)


52,921 (13,491)

51,391 (19,953)


Week 26

 n subjects


21 (60%)

23 (64%)


 Mean (SD)


51,706 (22,464)

55,888 (17,966)


Grand total

Saliva samples

Faecal samples

All samples

 n samples




 Mean (SD)

29,160 (11,837)

50,200 (18,201)

43,242 (19,124)

  1. Sequence depth, after filtering for low quality reads, is given as mean (± SD)