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Table 2 Sample characteristics (n = 221)

From: Psychosocial working conditions, asthma self-management at work and asthma morbidity: a cross-sectional study



Age (years)

 Mean (SD)

50.6 (8.7)

 Missing values; n (%)

2 (.9)


 Women; n (%)

119 (53.8)

 Men; n (%)

102 (46.2)

 Missing values; n (%)

Highest school degree

 Lower than secondary school degree; n (%)

82 (37.1)

 Secondary school degree; n (%)

74 (33.5)

 Higher than secondary school degree; n (%)

62 (28.1)

 Missing values; n (%)

3 (1.4)

Body mass index (BMI)

 Underweight, normal (BMI < 25); n (%)

61 (27.6)

 Overweight (25 ≤ BMI < 30); n (%)

81 (36.7)

 Obese (BMI ≥ 30); n (%)

76 (34.4)

 Missing values; n (%)

3 (1.4)


 No, never; n (%)

110 (49.8)

 No, not anymore; n (%)

96 (43.4)

 Current; n (%)

13 (5.9)

 Missing values; n (%)

2 (.9)

Job Decision Latitude (JDL)a

 Mean (SD)

45.61 (22.83)

 Missing values; n (%)

2 (.9)


 Mean (SD)

53.65 (25.65)

 Missing values; n (%)

12 (5.4)

DReAM (working conditions)b

 Mean (SD)

18.50 (5.05)

 Missing values; n (%)

1 (.5)

Physical activity

 More than once a week; n (%)

144 (65.2)

 Once a week or less; n (%)

75 (33.9)

 Missing values; n (%)

2 (.9)

Trigger avoidancec

 Mean (SD)

.6 (.5)

 Missing values; n (%)

1 (.5)

Acute asthma symptom managementd

 Mean (SD)

2.3 (2.0)

 Missing values; n (%)

5 (2.3)


 Mean (SD)

.3 (.6)

 Missing values; n (%)

4 (1.8)

Asthma controlf


76 (34.4)


145 (65.6)

 Missing values

Asthma-specific quality of lifeg

 Mean (SD)

4.4 (1.8)

 Missing values; n (%)

1 (.5)

  1. SD standard deviation
  2. a“Measured by the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire [37], range: 0–100, higher values indicating higher levels of JDL and support
  3. b“Determinants of work-related asthma self-management (DReAM)” measured by 7 self-constructed items, range: 7–28, lower values indicating better working conditions
  4. cMeasured by 1 self-constructed item, range: 0 = fit of need and conditions versus 1 = need unfulfilled
  5. dMeasured by 7 self-constructed items, range: 0 = fit of need and conditions to 7 = all needs unfulfilled
  6. eMeasured by 2 self-constructed items, range: 0 = fit of need and conditions to 2 = both needs unfulfilled
  7. fMeasured by the Asthma Control Test [22], range: 5–25, higher values indicating higher levels of asthma control
  8. gMeasured by the Marks Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire [24], range: 0–10, lower values indicating better quality of life