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Fig. 4 | Clinical and Translational Allergy

Fig. 4

From: Deep analysis of immune response and metabolic signature in children with food protein induced enterocolitis to cow’s milk

Fig. 4

Specific IgG4 against gastroduodenal digestion products. a Electrophoresis of gastroduodenal CM protein digestion products: CM was digested for 0 to 120 min under physiological conditions using pepsin (T0 to T120, gastric digestion). Digestion products obtained after 60 min of pepsin digestion (T60 gastric, TO’) were then submitted to trypsin/chymotrypsin physiological digestion for 1 to 30 min (T1′ to T30′, gastroduodenal digestion). b Undigested CM proteins (T0), gastric digestion products obtained at 5 (T5) and 60 min (T60) and gastroduodenal digestion products obtained after 60 min of gastric digestion and 30 min of duodenal digestion (T30′) were immobilized on plates, and specific IgG4 were assayed using individual plasma (FPIES-CMA: red, IgE-CMA: blue, IgE-PNA: green). Absorbance obtained at T0 was used as an internal reference for each patient (100%). Statistics: bars and asterisks indicate statistical differences between specified time points and T0 in one group of patients (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01; Wilcoxon sign rank test) or significant differences between groups at a given time of digestion (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01; Mann–Whitney t test)

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