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Table 1 Sensitization to wheat and grass allergens in an unselected cohort

From: Very low prevalence of IgE mediated wheat allergy and high levels of cross-sensitisation between grass and wheat in a UK birth cohort


N (%)


Reported a problem to wheat

17/827 (20.6)


Avoided wheat

9/827 (10.9)


Positive OFC

4/827 (4.8)


SPT Data

Sensitized to grass (SPT)

96/588 (16.3)


Sensitized to wheat pollen (SPT)

79/588 (13.4)


Sensitized to wheat flour

1/588 (0.17)


Sensitized to wheat pollen and grass pollen (SPT)

75/96 (78)


Sensitization to wheat flour and grass pollen (SPT)

0/75 (0)


Sensitized to wheat flour and wheat pollen (SPT)

1/66 (1.5)


Specific IgE

Using 0.35 kUA/l as a cut off

Using 0.01 kUA/l as a cut off

Specific IgE positive to wheat

37/246 (15.0)

rTria19 (omega 5 gliadin): 3/37 who were sensitised to wheat (8.1)

Wheat LTP: 1/37 who were sensitised to wheat (2.7)

Gliadin: 1/37 who were sensitised to wheat (2.7)

59/246 (24.0)

Specific IgE positive to grass

Timothy 89/246 (36.2)

Phlp1 79/89 who were sensitised to grass (88.7)

Phlp7 4/89 who were sensitised to grass (4.5)

Phlp p12 (profilin) 14/89 who were sensitised to grass (15.7)

Phlp 5b 47/89 who were sensitised to grass (52.8)

98/246 (39.8)

Sensitization to grass and wheat (specific IgE)

36/89 (40.5)

56/98 (57.2)

SPT versus Specific IgE


Sensitized to wheat flour (SPT) and wheat specific IgE

1/36 (2.8)


Sensitized to wheat pollen (SPT) and wheat (specific IgE)

31/36 (86.1)


Sensitised to grass SPT and grass specific IgE

59/88 (67.0)